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how much do competitions cost?
Posted by trueimage02
1/5/2007  4:35:00 PM
I have just started dancing at arthur murrarys and would like to compete but i was not given an idea of how much it would cost me to get into it.i was just wondering about how expensive it can get.
Re: how much do competitions cost?
Posted by secret
1/5/2007  5:16:00 PM
I was wondering the same thing two months ago, that is, until my dance instructor told me how much it would cost.

I go to Fred Astaire studios, which I really like. The problem is, their competitions are at like 5 star hotels with all these luxuries and stuff. So you have the travel/food/hotel fee. Then you have the fee for every entry (I believe that was about $60/entry) and one would do an average of 20 entries per competition. In total it ends up costing about $3000, not including the price of gowns.

Yep, I'm not going to one of those until the day I win the lottery!!
Re: how much do competitions cost?
Posted by operabob
1/5/2007  5:25:00 PM
Are they "in house" competitions?


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